Man - don't we all just love those blurry photos of mysterious beasts caught zipping by on film? No one really wants to hear it's a hoax because it's so much better to hold onto that belief that there's still magical wildlife living under the radar. "Don't put no species/phylum label on me!" is what they must be thinking as they dive back into the shrubbery when that camera clicks. My sister just found this gem - we have no idea where it was taken, but it looks to be some English or European suburban backyard. What the hell is that thing? Why is it so damn skinny? We have come up with some theories: a giant salamander taking a stroll; a skinny cat doing that "I'm up tall now and can pounce you mouse" stance; a nappy lil E.T. thing scrounging for human artifacts; that neighbor kid that lives in a closet - ack - he broke free from his cage again!; a frail muppet who escaped from Fraggle Rock and now lives on stuff he grabs from garbage cans. I can hear Leonard Nimoy's voice from In Search Of... asking us: "What do you think it is?"
Roadkill erected like a plastic flamingo.
A Tall, Skinny Teddy Bear running away from an un-loving household of child bullies
David Stein looking very small in the midst of a sneak attack on...? Nice Blog, Martinez. I just started one too:
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