Monday, July 21, 2008

Kaiju! Because even monsters need to practice!

World Wrestling Federation has long needed to evolve - and frankly I would rather watch foam bodied Japanese monster guys bounce and flip each other any day than sweaty, mullet-haired guys in tight shorts. So a group of art students from Boston have taken it upon themselves to bring this wrestling format - Kaiju Big Battel, complete with Japanese pop music and a dozens of crazy new monsters and heros duking it out. I only hope they bring the act to San Francisco soon. In the meantime - check out this bit of amazing showmanship from a YouTube posting:

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Generous Neighbors

It took almost four days before someone decided that this 500 lb, half-working, chest and upper back muscle developin' machine should go live with them.

Sidewalk Koi

You can find these in the mural-tastic Clarion Alley - only remember to hold your breath, this cement koi-pond definitely doubles as a urinal for the lame-ass.

If It Says So Then It Must Be True

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Exceptional Veggie Sculptures

This veggie chupacabra is mighty stunning. Just one of dozens of spectacular feats of produce-based creative splendor. Thank you Marin County Fair for bringing us a glimpse into this lesser known art form.Mr. Fennelhead here is sporting a scary bloody massacre mouth, who knew something with a bellpepper body could deliver the goosebumps? The teeter-totter chayote with googlie kumquat eyes and his ginger root dog friend are caught mid-action in this charming pastoral scene.The cucumber-chayote head daschund was fabulously showcased on his tinfoil runway - but the big prize went to the breath-taking squid made from mystery veggies. Seriously, I had to beat through a crowd to get this shot.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mapping the BULLITT chase scene

WHOA! Watch Steve McQueen race his muscle-y Ford Mustang through 1968 San Francisco! And, as usual the route is impossible to follow - until now! Well, impossible to actually drive, but wonderfully juxtaposed with a moving Google map.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Death rides a motorcycle through the ivy

One of the many wonderful Patrick Amiot recycled junk sculptures that adorn the yards along Florence Ave. in Sebastopol. Vroom vroom.